10 things to pray for more often

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As believers, here are the 10 things we should pray for more often.

We pray for many things. Yes, God hears prayers. But are we praying for the right reasons and with the right requests?
God in His Word still gives us the order of priorities.

Matthew 6-33 (KJV): “Seek first the Kingdom and the righteousness of God; and all these things will be given to you on top of it. “

God does not say to seek the Kingdom first and then other things, He says all other things will be given to us above, in abundance, beyond all hope.
What is the reason? It is very simple: there is everything in the Kingdom of God and His justice elevates us to the rank of princes of the Kingdom, worthy heirs and owners of everything.

What Grace ! Where does it come from, then, that we are all day long so absorbed in the things which are by nature part of the abundant life of the Kingdom (peace, health, prosperity, glory, marriage, riches, etc.), while seeking them outside of the Kingdom?. .

The Lord Jesus is even harder in this matter. So He declares in Matthew 6:32 that “… all these things, it is the Gentiles who seek them”. All other things being equal, it is true that the spiritual baby has many things from a pagan.
It’s not bad to be a spiritual baby, it’s all about the stages in life and it is the same with faith.
But, you shouldn’t remain a baby all your life either. At some point, you have to accept to grow and mature.


Among the things that change when one decides to grow spiritually is this natural inclination towards things above.


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10 things to pray for more often

Here is the kind of requests that should be invited more frequently in our moments of prayer. These subjects should occupy 80% of our prayer time. If for example you pray one (01) hour a day, you should normally devote 48 minutes to these topics or the topics inspired by these points.

come holy spirit prayer

1. Pray for the Holy Spirit.

For those who are not yet baptized or filled with it, it is a matter of sighing for Him.

Acts 2-39 (KJV): “For the promise is to you, and to your children, and to all that are far off, as many as the Lord our God shall call them. “

Likewise, for those who have already had the grace to receive it, it is a matter of praying that its hold over our lives continually increases. May He fill us to overflowing and direct our lives concretely, so that we may manifest the character of worthy sons of God.

Romans 8-14 (KJV): “For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. “

2. Pray for the gain of souls.

If there is a mission common to all redeemed, a mission that the Lord Jesus entrusted to us at the time of His departure for heaven, it is this:

Matthew 28-19 (KJV) “Go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”

While it is true that we are each differently invested in this mission, it is nonetheless true that the gain of souls, whether one is an evangelist or a simple believer, is everyone’s business. We are saved to be instruments of salvation in the hands of the Lord. Even though we are not all campaigning for soul gain, at least we should all intercede, as often as possible, for souls to be won for the Lord.

Matthew 9: 37-38 (KJV): “Then He said to His disciples, The harvest is great, but there are few workers. Therefore pray to the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into His harvest  ”

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3. Pray for the revelation of The Word.

We must also pray for the revelation of the Word of God. We are saved by Grace through faith (Romans 10-10; Ephesians 2-8). It’s the truth. But we are not only saved from eternal death, we are saved from everything that held us captive namely: disease, sterility, debt, sin, etc. All of these things, we can overcome them all by the same grace. Now, grace is increased to us by knowledge, the Bible tells us. Better still, it is written that the righteous will possess his inheritance through knowledge. If you have become Christians, you do not pray for the revelation of the Word of God which provides this knowledge, you will have a most ordinary life, for this is the path to maturity.

Wisdom of God

4. Pray for intelligence and wisdom.

Romans 12-2 (KJV): “Do not conform to the present century, but be transformed by the renewal of intelligence, so that you may discern what is the will of God, which is good, pleasing and perfect”

James 1-5 (KJV): “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives to all simply and without reproach, and it will be given to him”

If there are things (as we saw above) that God forbids us to seek, there are others on the other hand, that He recommends us to ask. Intelligence and wisdom are among these. Indeed, without intelligence, not that of this world but that of God, it is impossible for us to discern the will of God. Now, what is a Christian who cannot discern and do the will of our Lord? A Christian who will in any case continue to live like a pagan and will end up becoming one4, for good. Likewise, wisdom is one of the few things in the Bible about which it is said that God gives to all simply and without reproach (the Word of Life version says ”  generously, without reproaching “). You just have to ask in faith. Judge for yourselves the importance of the latter for our Christian life.

Spending time in the presence of God

5. Pray to be established in the faith.

One of the signs of spiritual maturity is perseverance in the faith, even in the face of hardships, where most give up.

James 1-2 (KJV): “My brethren, regard as a subject of complete joy, the various trials to which you may be exposed”

Said like that, it’s fine, I admit. But only those who are really established in their faith can invest this dimension. Whoever understands this like the Apostles (Luke 17-5), cannot help praying that God increases his faith. In reality, it is about sighing for the gift of faith, which is a gift from the Holy Spirit.


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6. Pray for spiritual gifts.

1 Corinthians 12-31 (KJV):  “Strive for the best gifts …”

Romans 1-11 (KJV): “For I desire to see you in order to impart to you some spiritual gift, so that you may be established”

To be established in the faith, we need spiritual gifts. This is why the Apostle Paul recommends that we long for the best gifts (1 Corinthians 14: 1). A Christian without spiritual gifts is an ill-established Christian who will not resist the vicissitudes of the life of faith.

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7. Pray for the saints and the servants of God.

A most essential request but for which paradoxically we pray the least. Pray for the saints in general and for the servants of God in particular. However, the Bible recommends it to us on several occasions. The Apostle Paul himself did not fail to solicit the prayer support of the faithful. Indeed, it is not an easy work to be servants of God. Our shepherds are the ones who constantly bend their knees for us, even to the point of not having enough time to pray for themselves and for their own families. Moreover, they are the ones who suffer the most attacks from the evil one, as it is written: strike the Shepherd and the sheep will scatter.. For this, then, and much more, they must have a special place in our moments of prayer, knowing that to this is attached a great blessing.

Ephesians 6:18 (KJV): “… and pray for all the saints”

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8. Pray for the thirst of the Lord.

The thirst for the Eternal is the trigger of everything. He who thirsts for God will seek to abide in His presence. It will constantly be found in meditation on The Word and in prayer. Whoever has either of the Lord will not consider obeying God as a burden, quite the contrary. Moreover, he will not be asked to put himself at the service of the Lord. In short, the thirst for God is the secret of a blessed and fruitful spiritual life.


9. Pray for sanctification.

Hebrews 12-14 (KJV): “Seek peace with all and sanctification, without which no one will see the Lord”

All is grace, yes. But all is not so graceful after all. The Bible declares that without sanctification, no one will see the Lord. It’s so clear that sometimes it worries me. Fortunately, it is not a question of achieving this by one’s own strength, but by this supernatural capacity communicated to us by the Holy Spirit. That is why we should pray as often as possible that the Lord will grant us the grace of sanctification, at least for those who want to see God someday.


10. Pray to finish the race.

The end of a thing is better than its beginning teaches us the Bible; so the end of this article is better than all of the above. This is the most important subject of our prayer times. Pray for the successful completion of the race and to receive the crown of righteousness. It is not all about a good start. It would still be necessary to complete the race.

What would it be used for if not to perform miracles, to evangelize crowds and to fill the courts of heaven, etc. if on the last day you yourself are rejected?

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