Division is a serious problem that affects many aspects of our lives, from our families and churches to our society and nation. The Bible warns us about the dangers of division and urges us to maintain unity among ourselves as followers of Christ.
Here are 40 best Bible scriptures on division that can help us understand God’s will for us in this matter.
What is division?
Division is the state of being separated, split, or divided into parts or groups. It can also mean having a difference of opinion, belief, or interest that causes conflict or hostility. Division can occur among individuals, families, friends, churches, denominations, organizations, communities, and nations.
What causes division?
The root cause of division is sin. Sin makes us selfish, prideful, rebellious, and hostile to God and others. Sin also blinds us to the truth and leads us to follow false teachings, idols, and worldly passions. Sin creates division within ourselves, between us and God, and among us and others.
Some of the specific causes of division mentioned in the Bible are:
- Jealousy and strife (1 Corinthians 3:3)
- Dissensions and obstacles contrary to the doctrine of Christ (Romans 16:17)
- Factions and heresies (1 Corinthians 11:19; Galatians 5:20)
- Hatred and bitterness (1 John 2:9; Hebrews 12:15)
- Idleness and disorderliness (2 Thessalonians 3:6-14)
- Partiality and favoritism (James 2:1-9)
- Gossip and slander (Proverbs 16:28; James 4:11)
What are the consequences of division?
Division has many negative consequences for us and others. Some of them are:
- It weakens our witness and testimony as Christians (John 17:21-23)
- It hinders our prayers and blessings from God (Psalm 133:1-3; Matthew 18:19-20)
- It damages our relationships and fellowship with others (Ephesians 4:1-6; Hebrews 10:24-25)
- It exposes us to the attacks and schemes of the devil (Ephesians 6:10-18; 1 Peter 5:8-9)
- It leads to more sin and evil (Galatians 5:15; James 3:16)
How can we overcome division?
The only way to overcome division is by the grace and power of God through Jesus Christ. Jesus died on the cross to reconcile us to God and to one another. He rose from the dead to give us new life and a new identity in Him. He sent His Holy Spirit to dwell in us and enable us to love God and others as He commanded.
Some of the practical steps we can take to overcome division are:
- Repent of our sins and seek forgiveness from God and others (1 John 1:9; Matthew 5:23-24)
- Abide in the teaching of Christ and His word (2 John 9; Colossians 3:16)
- Avoid those who cause divisions and teach false doctrines (Titus 3:10; 2 John 10)
- Pursue peace and unity with all people as far as it depends on us (Romans 12:18; Hebrews 12:14)
- Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:3; Philippians 2:1-4)
What are some examples of scriptures on division?
Here are some examples of scriptures on division from both the Old and New Testaments: