10 hindrances to prayer and how to overcome them

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10 hindrances to prayer and how to overcome them

Everyone prays but only God answers.
Why is my prayers not answered rather why has God not answered my prayers.

Find out to know the hindrance to your prayers and how you can overcome them

So many people ask to know the hindrances of prayer and how to overcome them. So on this post, we will be outlining 10 hindrances to prayers and how to overcome them.

many people engage in prayers now and then but, it is not every prayer that is answered.

Lots of persons realize that their prayers are not answered, and in their frustration, they tends to think that God is either partial or selective in His dealings with humanity.

How ever, that remains untrue, God is not a Respecter of men, He is a Respecter of principles. When His principles are upheld, God’s products are accessed; when God’s principles are violated, His products are forfeited. Many times, when prayers are not answered, God’s principles may have been violated.

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Below are 10 hindrances to prayers and how you can overcome them.

1. Not Giving God complete control.

One of the hindrances to prayer is lack of trust, Most times, our prayers are not answered as a result of not giving God complete control over our lives. God refuse to respond to our requests because we have not completely trusted him with our lives.
We can completely rest in him because he’s good and wants the best for us. (Matthew 26:36-42 )

2. Stubbornness

Stubbornness is a bad character and it has hindered so many prayers from being answered. God answers and leads those who give him the freedom to search, know, and try their hearts. (Psalm 139:22-24 )

3. Unconfessed sins

Answers to  Many prayers are hindered as a result of unconfessed sin.
When we harbor sin in our lives, it dams up the flow and scrambles the spiritual channels of communication to the Father. The solution is simple. Spend time asking God to show you where you are intentionally hiding out sin in your heart and confess and turn from it. (Psalm 66:18 )

4. Lack of faith.

Lack of faith is another hindrance to prayers that must be fault. Without faith,  a settled confidence in God– in the character and power of God, we should not expect our prayers to be answered. Our faith in God grows as we spend time hearing the Word of God. We have a good Father, and he deserves our unwavering trust when we pray.


5. Disobedience

Just as stubbornness is a hindrance to prayer, so also is disobedience.  Why would God bless us with new paths and new directions when we have not obeyed Him to walk in the paths and directions he has
already revealed. Answered prayer and obedience to the Father are inextricably tied together. (1 John 3:21-22 )

6.  Selfishness

One of the hindrance to answered prayers is the life of Selfishness.

God is not against you enjoying pleasure, but He is concerned about the Kingdom content in your desire. Is there room for the welfare and wellbeing of other human beings in your desire? Are your prayer requests all about yourself? Some people only ask God for things so they can brag about them to other people. God hates self- centredness. 

when you pray, connect your requests to the benefits of the Kingdom and humanity; you would be shocked to see how God would deck your life with His blessings.

7.  Failure to forgive

You cant expect your prayer to be answered with a heart of unforgiveness.

When we fail to forgive others, it is a good indication that we don’t truly understand the forgiveness that God has given us.

The answer to this barrier is to forgive – release others from the debt they owe us. Forgiveness removes the wedge between the other person and us, and between God and us. (Matthew 18:21-22 )

8. Failure to pray. We have not because

we ask not. Refusal to pray is a sure way not to get an answer to our prayers. So, pray! (James 4:2-3 )

9. Setting up idols in our lives

Why should God answer our prayers when we are giving our allegiance to someone or something other than the true and living God.

God wants us to destroy our idols and give him complete devotion and control over our lives. ( Ezekiel 14:3 )

10. Unresolved marital conflict.

As husbands, when we refuse to show honor to our wives as delicate gifts and live with them in an understanding way, we actually hinder our prayers.

Husbands, let’s treat our wives as special and get to know them deeply. (1 Peter 3:7 )

God remains God, highlighted above are 10 hindrances to prayer and how to overcome them. Work on them and see your prayer being answered.

God is not a Respecter of persons; He is a Respecter of principles. When God’s principles are upheld, His products are accessed; when God’s principles are violated, His products are forfeited. when prayers are not answered, God’s principles may have been violated.

God bless you richly.

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