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Have you wondered upon the verse if God is for us who can be against us, this post unveils the meaning of Romans 8:31 – if God is for us who can be against us

Sometimes all of us go through terrible sufferings. And sometimes the sufferings are of such great magnitude that it seems to us that all doors are closed against us. But I want you to know, dear reader, that God is alive and knows our needs; For this reason, he always opens a window through which a ray of light enters our life to give us hope. He is so, so good that every word that is inspired in the bible is for our path to be blessed and strengthened, just as Romans 8:31 does not make them understand.

If God is for us who can be against us meaning

Faced with suffering, many people falter in faith. On the other hand, some want to get the strength to live within their inner potential but do not take into account that their potentials are powerless.

As children of God, our response to suffering is that Jesus Christ has given us life and has also given us the strength to live it through the Holy Spirit, in the light of his word.

People mostly travel roads in search of an answer to their conflicts, but they do not realize that the only way is Christ, as the word of God says, it is the way, the truth, and the life. God has given us the best answer through his son Jesus.

What does Romans 8:31 mean?

Today we can find those who want to easily abandon faith in Jesus. Some renounce the gospel of God’s grace because they allow themselves to be drowned by the circumstances of failure. So it is because they have not understood that Christ died for our sins, for our bad circumstances and that now he is our advocate at the right hand of the Father. What we have to do is fully trust him.

But despite afflictions, all our problems, illnesses, among other things, the word teaches us: “If God is for us, who can be against us?”

Romans 8:31 “What then shall we say to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?”

This expression has been very misinterpreted, misused to make people believe that if they are with God, nothing can happen to them. Well, this expression is true but we must understand how it applies in our life.


Our life in the world

Our life is shaped by experiences, family, work, health, livelihood, belongings, well-being in everything. This is what we cling to and what we love, and we live for precisely this. All these things for us are the most important in our life. To improve these aspects of our life, we are guided by what we learn from the same world and the same society, as this pressures us to conform to it.

We are the product of what we learned from our parents, siblings, and friends at school. But when we become Christians, God expects us to stop giving more importance to our life, to all our belongings, and to give more attention and importance to him and his will. May we not put our hope in the things of this world but in what he promises us, and in the things of heaven.

“If, then, you have been raised with Christ, seek things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your sights on things above, not on things on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. “Colossians 3:1-4.

And this is where the secret of true faith lies, of what God wants us to seek and practice. looking at it means that we focus on the things above, that we are not so preoccupied with our own lives, nor are we striving for great success in this world.

What we must seek, and worry about obtaining, are the things above, for what God has to give us. Everything that we manage to accumulate on this earth will not go with us, because all those things are temporary, but what accumulates in heaven is eternal, that will never disappear. 2 Corinthians 4:18

Working to support our economic needs, improve health, provide our family with a good future, is part of our responsibility as normal people and also Christians. But we must not get to the point of prioritizing these things and leaving God second, then we come to disobey God.

The vast majority of people tend to seek God because they expect him to solve their problems, like those who sought Jesus for the physical food that he gave them, but God demands that we work for the food that leads to eternal life. John 6:26-27

Why should we believe in this expression “who is against us”?

When our hope is in our hearts, believing in the promises that God has made for his children, we can enjoy them in all the fullness of the glory of Christ, we just have to strive to obey him.

If God is with us, it is because we are obeying him, and nothing and no one will be able to defeat us. No one will be able to fight us, and they cannot defeat us. Since Jesus defeated the prince of this world. Although we will have afflictions if we persevere in the Lord’s work, victory is already ours.

This Christ told his disciples in the world you will have affliction, but trust because I have overcome it and we too can win holding the hand of God, despite adversity. John 16:33

When we are understood to what God is offering us, this world loses importance and we can understand that if we are faithful no one will be able to separate us from our purpose, then nothing will separate us from the love of God. Adversities will make us cling more to God. And always keep in mind what Romans 8:31 says

If the word tells us God is with you, who against you my dear brother? We cannot allow anything that makes us suffer in this world to separate us from what God wants to give us. 1 Peter 1:3-5

Well, you have to know that we are not alone, God keeps us so that we can win. He does not abandon us and through his Holy Spirit he helps us in our daily lives and will free us from evil at all times and when this is not the case, we must know or understand that God is also with us.

A danger that can make us not trust God.

Our carnality affects us and does not allow us to develop the life of Christ in us. Our lust and our hardness of heart is the only thing that can separate us from God. Our greatest enemy is not the devil, it is ourselves who can turn away from God, because of sin. (James 1:12-15)

How to apply Romans 8:31

God helps us in our daily walk, but the most important thing for him is that we trust the promises that he gives us in his word.

We only have to trust God in the good times but also the bad. He will give us the solution in everything we leave in his hands. He never forsakes us and has already given us victory.

No matter how great the difficulties that come upon us, no matter how great the abysses seem, we know that God’s love is far greater and is above all difficulties. Therefore, with authority, we can affirm that we have hope. We can leave this place on this day with our heads held high and go around the world showing and announcing hope. He has not abandoned us, nor will he ever abandon us.

So that you can have the certainty of God’s word and be confident in what Romans 8:31 says, apply these tips to your life:

  1. Apply this word of faith in your life so that you will be victorious in your walk as a child of God.
  2. Always keep in prayer that God is the source that fills your life.
  3. Fast when you feel despair and great anguish for any difficult circumstance.
  4. Study biblical quotes and practice them so that your joy is strengthened.

Final Words:
You will realize that if God with us who against us. How good it is to have this verse in Romans 8:31 that encourages us and fills us with hope to continue on the path to a life that is life, eternity.


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