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The prayer for pastors is the prayer that is made by the believers, who must help these ministers that God has raised up to carry out his work, and it is they who have authority and wisdom, to be able to impart the teaching.

They, like the rest of the people, are human beings who can live in situations that afflict them, it is, therefore, important to pray for the pastors, since they require the help of all to be able to continue with the work entrusted to them.

Who is the pastors

When speaking of the pastors, they become those servants that God uses to be able to take care of the flock and help in the spiritual growth of all the believers who are in the congregation.

According to the Greeks, the shepherd comes from the word “Poimen” and designates the term of the shepherds who are taking care of the sheep, as Jesus did.

“I am the good shepherd, and I know my sheep, and mine know me, just as the Father knows me, and I know the Father, and I lay down my life for the sheep” (John 10:14-15)


A likeness of the Shepherd of Sheep

In this sense, the Holy Scriptures make the comparison of the shepherd who is in the field.

These men take care of the sheep, feed them, and prevent the wolves from harming them.

Likewise, pastors take it upon themselves to protect all believers in their congregation.

It is for this reason that Jesus is moved when he sees the people of Israel who were diverted from God’s purpose.

In this sense, he becomes the shepherd of those lost sheep of the people chosen by God.

“And Jesus went out and saw a large crowd, and had compassion on them, because they were like sheep that had no shepherd; and he began to teach them many things” (Mark 6:34)

Jesus is the Good Shepherd

Given this, Jesus became that good shepherd who speaks the Holy Scriptures.

Allowing in turn to understand the qualities that these servants of the Lord must have.

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me, and I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, nor will anyone snatch them out of my hand. My Father who gave them to me, is greater than all, and no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand” (John 10:27-29).



Characteristics of the Shepherd

Given this correct explanation, the following can be deduced:

  • Pastors are those who know their congregants and empathize with them.
  • The pastors always go ahead of the congregants, he does not push them.
  • The shepherds instruct the congregants to identify the wolves.
  • Pastors lay down their lives for their congregants.
  • Pastors are attentive in listening, advising, accompanying, caring for others.


Prayer for the Pastors

The pastors on their shoulders carry great weight and responsibility for the work that God has given them.

Given this, each day they require that support in prayer that the congregants can do, and it will help them to be strengthened in the presence of God.

Pastors are representatives in the name of Christ on earth, and it is important to have that support from their congregants.

That is why several prayers for the pastors will be presented below:


3 Prayer for house blessing and protection

3 Effective Prayer for Repentance of Sins

Importance of unity in the church

1. Prayer for the protection of Pastors

When pastors have a congregation under their charge, they have a great responsibility both with God and with the men who are being instructed in the way of the Lord.

In this sense, the enemy will look for a way to attack them so that the work of God is not carried out, overwhelming them, shaking them and causing them to give up their work.

For that, the following prayer can be made:


“Dear Heavenly Father, on this day I thank you because yours is the glory, yours is the power and honour.

Everything I have I owe to you because you saved me and gave me the opportunity to repent of everything bad.

On this day I make this prayer for my pastors (Mention the names of the pastors).

Father today I ask you to be you covering my pastors, that nothing bad can touch them.

Today I paralyze the work of hell that wants to rise up against the lives of the shepherds.

Declaring that they have warrior angels around them with drawn swords, covering them and their entire family and home.

At this moment, every spirit that rises up against the shepherds is bound by the power of your word.

I declare that every plan of satan in their lives is inoperative, establishing that they are covered by the wings of the Angel of Jehovah that comes from the heavenly Throne

Today I declare in this prayer that my pastors have divine coverage and the angels protect them 24 hours a day.

I establish that there is a spiritual fence that makes them impenetrable to evil.

Every plan of the enemy is dismantled, every accident or danger is disjointed, they are invisible in the face of evil.

My Lord, I praise you because I know that this prayer reaches the Holy throne, any spirit of revenge or retaliation that wants to come against the life of my pastors or my life is tied and paralyzed.

Believing that your protection is absolute in their lives, I declare it in the mighty name of Jesus” Amen.

2. Prayer for the physical strength of the Pastors

People experience different difficult situations that arise in their daily lives, and pastors are not exempt from experiencing them.

In this sense, they often go through very hard processes, which help them to mature and grow in faith, to be testimonies of the power of God.

In this case, you can make the following prayer:

“Mighty Heavenly Father at this hour I stand before you with a heart that is grateful for your love and mercy.

Thank you for your infinite love that I can see renewed every day by seeing the blessings that accompany me.

Father, I know that at this time you are listening to me, that is why I present myself to intercede for my pastors (Mention the names of the pastors)

In this time they have had difficulties, but I am convinced that the prayer of the righteous has power.

I ask you, Lord, to be you manifesting yourself in this process that they are living, to be you giving them wisdom, peace, and strategies.

Above all, you give them the understanding of your will, and may they not be afflicted but may be lifted up and renewed like the eagles.

I believe that in each process there is a blessing at the end of it, and that what they live is not for death but to be able to know your glory and power.

Today I raise my hands to help my shepherds in the same way that Aaron and Hur did to Moses, and with that help, they managed to defeat their enemies.

Today I establish that my pastors will emerge victorious from these adversities they are experiencing and it will be your power and love giving them the strength to move forward.

And in this way continue taking the congregation to another level of glory, where the Holy Spirit will fill all those who come to seek your presence in the church.

I thank you Father for their lives because they have been a blessing to my life, they have guided me, and they have been in charge of instructing me.

That is why today I pray for my pastors so that they can reach the prophetic destiny for which you have led them.

I thank you, Lord because you are listening to this prayer made with a humble heart, and it has come before your Holy Throne with a fragrant smell.

Believing that I will be able to see my pastors overcoming this process, and they will give new testimonies of victory to your glory and praise, I declare it in the name of Jesus» Amen.



3. Prayer for God to give wisdom to the Pastors

The pastors have the responsibility of a congregation, where a diversity of people arrive with problems that must be taken care of by them.

That is why they must be in constant study and teaching of the Word, and instruct with the good advice that they must give to the entire congregation.

“Merciful God, on this day I thank you for the wonderful gift of life, which is reflected by your love, by your mercy.

Thank you for all the blessings that descend from heaven every time I raise a prayer before you.

Heavenly Father today I make this special prayer for my pastors (Mention the names of the pastors) who are that channel of blessing for my path.

I thank you for your instruction, teachings, and advice and through the word you have been able to reprove my spirit and walk according to the work to which you have called me here on earth.

My dear God, today I ask you to be you giving them a lot of wisdom, and intelligence, that their gifts be more active every day that can be seen tangible in their lives.

Believing that the Holy Spirit fills them every day with the revelations and secrets that come from heaven.

I ask you Father to be you giving them a word boldly, to be able to respond wisely, and instruct those who lack knowledge and that the Holy Spirit use them with power.

And may they bring freedom to the souls that are captive, and may they be instruments that make known your salvation.

Thank you, God, because this prayer arrives before your altar with a fragrant smell in front of your altar, and I will be able to see your blessings surrounding them.

Today I declare it in the mighty name of Jesus”. Amen.



4. Prayer for the provision of the Pastors

Pastors are human beings just like everyone else, therefore they have needs just like anyone else.

For this, you must pray to God to provide them with what they need to continue the work entrusted to them, and in their home, they do not lack anything.


“Almighty Father on this day I praise your name, I thank you because it is you who works in my life every day.

Holding me by the hand and taking me to that prophetic destiny for which you sent me to this earth, and being able to be filled with your love every day.

Today I thank you, Good Father, for every opportunity you allow me to have to be able to come before your altar and approach in prayer for my pastors (Mention the names of the pastors).

My dear God, I believe that your power is manifested every day in the lives of those of us who seek your face, that’s why today I ask you to be you giving according to your riches in glory to everything my shepherds need.

I ask that it be you providing the food, the economic provision and they can be calm because you support it.

Today I declare that everything they need is you delivering it on golden trays since they strive every day to continue carrying out your work.

My Father, I ask that each one of the promises that you have given to your children can see it as tangible every day.

Your word teaches me that when you work at your work, it is not in vain, and you will give the reward according to the purpose to all those who advance the kingdom.

Thank you my Father because this prayer arrives before your altar with a fragrant smell, and all the blessings and promises given to my pastors will arrive according to your will.

Today I declare it in the powerful name of your beloved son Jesus” Amen.


Seeing the prayers that can be made for the pastors, it is necessary for each believer to understand that these servants of God need to receive spiritual support.

That is why prayers should be made in their favour since they have a great responsibility in their lives.

“We beseech you, brothers, that you recognize those who labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and they admonish you; and that you esteem them highly and love them because of his work” (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13)


That is why today we invite you to pray every day for your pastors and those who are in the world.

In this way, we can help them move forward since they have a very great responsibility to continue carrying out the work of the kingdom of heaven.


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