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Want To Overcome Difficulties in Christ Jesus, Here is 5 Necessary Tools that will help you out.

Overcoming difficulties refers to being founded on the rock, because despite the adversities of life, we must be clear of our purpose as children of God, since we should not focus on the stumbles but on the opportunities that are presented to us to win in the middle of the test.

I invite you to read:  5 Times God showed mercy, grace and forgiveness in the Bible

In this sense, God is the one who is next to us in the midst of the storm, in our process to tell us that he is with us and has not left us and will never do so because it is one of the promises that our Lord gives us: “ Do not fear or be afraid of these nations, for the Lord your God will always be with you; He will never leave you or forsake you ” (Deuteronomy 31: 6)

In this sense, we have to live trusting in Christ and have the certainty that if we walk in his ways our foot will not stumble, that is why we must always have the attitude of God’s warriors, put the complaint aside and move forward without looking back. . In this way, the children of God are called to be those firm warriors in the midst of battle because it is necessary to fight to obtain victory.

In this process we are going to be hurt, rejected, humiliated, beaten because we are being tested. For this reason, the Lord allows tribulations in our lives to glorify his name at all times.

Overcoming difficulties with Jesus Christ

The only way to overcome difficulties is to stand firm in Jesus Christ, since he must always be present in the life of every believer, because when we receive him and accept him as our only true savior.

At that moment the Holy Spirit begins to guide our lives, to comfort us, convict us and transform us in a supernatural way. In this regard, the word of God points out the following:

“It will be like a tree planted by streams of water, that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not fall; And whatever he does, he will prosper ” (Psalm 1: 3)

In this way, the great victories throughout the history of humanity and the great victories that appear in the Bible, all of them demand courage from these men and women who made their mark. It is important to note that when you propose something that is significant in your life, this does not come easily because if it were easy it would not represent a great victory.

So God has demanded us in his word to be brave and to conquer, to endure the bad day to bear witness to the wonders that the Lord does in our lives. For this reason, difficulties in life are not easy but they are what lead us to victory, which is guaranteed. So these stumbles and obstacles in life are always going to be present and are on our way with a purpose that is to bring out the best in you.

Every process implies a spiritual struggle that you must face, where you will have to use the resources that God has given you based on prayer, on reading the word, on obedience, on fasting.

In the same way in the bible we have the armor that we must use to be able to face our enemy, to be approved by God, to resist the bad day, to go through the Jordan and come out in victory. This armor can be found in the following passage:

Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. Because we do not fight against blood and flesh, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly regions. Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, so that you can resist in the bad day, and having finished everything, stand firm. Stand firm, therefore, girding your loins with the truth, clothed with the breastplate of righteousness, and shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Above all, take the shield of faith, with which you can quench all the fiery darts of the evil one And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God ” (Ephesians 6: 11-17)


In this same vein, each of the difficulties we go through in life helps us grow spiritually and in our personal life because even though we are not from this world we have to live with others in this often hostile world.

So we are overcoming difficulties with a specific purpose in our life, in which the Holy Spirit does not leave us alone in this process because his mercy is forever and he will never leave me.

This process is to perfect the work of God in us, and for this we must be molded into the image and likeness of Christ. We must go through the fire , receive his power and glory every day to see his face in us and manifest the fruit of his Holy Spirit. As his word demands: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, meekness, self-control; against such things there is no law” (Galatians 5: 22-23)

Each of these obstacles in life helps us for good, because God wants to perfect us through them. God began to work in you with a purpose for your life , that is why no one can stop what he started, no one can stop the process in which we are immersed: “being persuaded of this, that the one who began in us the He will carry on a good work until the day of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 1: 6)

Understanding this, we must accept the process with courage, overcoming difficulties, having the certainty that the answer is in Christ Jesus. When we search his word, our spiritual eyes are opened and the Holy Spirit begins to deal with us through that word. In this way we are prepared to resist in the bad day, just as his word announces: “Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, so that you can resist in the bad day, and having done everything, stand firm” (Ephesians 6 : 13)

As children of God we must understand our essence, who we are in it, since we are not just any person, we are the chosen ones, the ones called to be light in the midst of darkness, to proclaim the kingdom of heaven, giving it all the Glory and all Honor God.

How we can overcome difficulties according to the bible

The Bible gives us the necessary tools to overcome the adversities of life because it points out the different stories in which the mighty men of God had the grace of God and obtained the victory. But they allowed themselves to be led by God and although they had to go through many obstacles, God never left them alone and glorified himself at all times, giving encouragement to the afflicted like David, comfort to the helpless like Joseph, strength to the weak, like Jeremiah , bravery like Queen Esther.

5 Ways To Overcome Difficulties in Christ Jesus

In this way these biblical characters teach us the way in which we must face difficulties. So as children of God we have to put into practice what his word says and consider the following aspects when overcoming difficulties:

1. Strive

Many times we want to get things done magically or in the blink of an eye. Remember that our time is not the same as God’s time, so you must wait on it, but in this waiting you must do what corresponds to you, make an effort and be brave, as his word expresses it: “And Moses called to Joshua, and said to him in the presence of all Israel: Be strong and courageous; for you will enter with this people into the land that the Lord swore to their fathers to give them, and you will make them their inheritance ” (Deuteronomy 31: 7)

2. Be brave

As mentioned above we are called to be brave in order to overcome adversity and be approved, because each test is set by God with a purpose. In this regard, the word indicates the following: “Look, I command you to make an effort and be brave; fear not, nor be dismayed, for Jehovah your God will be with you wherever you go ” (Joshua 1: 9)


3. Be sources

God demands us to be strong and this strength is achieved during our process, our deserts, because that gives us the tools to overcome and obtain victory. God gives us strength like those of the buffalo and helps us to be reborn like eagles, to stand firm like the palm tree.

For this reason we must give the burdens to God and he will take care of helping us in the midst of our anguish, our fatigue, our anxiety because he wants us to let ourselves be guided by his Spirit. The word demands us to “ Strengthen your tired hands, strengthen your weak knees. Say to the weak-hearted: be strong, do not fear; behold, your God comes with retribution, with payment; God himself will come and save you. “ (Isaiah 35: 3)

4. Have joy

One of the things that is difficult for us is to have joy in the midst of pain, anguish, and scarcity. But when we go hand in hand with God, he will help us to be happy despite what we are going through.

In the Bible we find a Silas and Paul who praised God in the midst of his scourge, while in prison after being unjustly accused: “Upon receiving such an order, he put them in the inner dungeon and held their feet in the stocks. Around midnight, Paul and Silas began to pray and sing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was an earthquake so strong that the jail shook to its foundations. Instantly all the doors were opened and the prisoners were released from their chains ” (Acts 16: 24-25)

For this reason we must praise at all times because in our praise we will find answers to our need, to our affliction because he knows everything about us, we should only be confident and happy to have his Holy Spirit in our life:

“I have learned to be content, whatever my situation. I know how to live humbly, and I know how to have abundance; In everything and for everything I am teaching, both to be satiated and to be hungry, both to have abundance and to be in need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me ” (Philippians 4: 11-13)


5. Be faithful to the Lord

People are designed to maintain a personal relationship with the Lord , but when we lose this relationship, that personal intimacy with him, nothing can fill us and we feel an immense emptiness in our soul.

In this sense, when we maintain that relationship and walk on its paths, the way of thinking is different because we know what our purpose is in our life, we have a vision and we are heading in a direction.

Overcoming difficulties then requires resisting, using the tools that God has given us in his word, where we can find the manual of life that tells us what we should do in the midst of adversity.


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