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The “our daily bread” that we ask for and are grateful for is a source of life and health.

One of the teachings of Jesus was to bless meal times and food through short prayers. And he learned it from the Jewish people who used to thank him for his banquet, in addition to sharing it.

Why give thanks and bless the food?

Poverty and shortages are present in many homes, making blessed those who can enjoy eating three times a day. The “our daily bread” that we ask for is a source of life and health, and thanking him when you have the privilege of having him at the table is a way of appreciating the infinite goodness of the “Father”.

By blessing food, God’s generosity in providing sustenance to families is recognized. In addition, it is an occasion to pray for those who do not have the joy of sharing food together with their loved ones and those who are starving.

How to bless food through prayers

prayer before meal

Lord God, we thank you because you make us part of your wonders.

We praise you for the gifts of your love and we bless you for the fraternity that you allow us to live around this table.

May this meal in the simplicity of heart and in joy be a prophecy of the banquet of the kingdom.
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Blessing of food

Thank you, Lord, for life and sustenance,
You give them to us out of Your infinite mercy,
not because of our merit.
Bless those who made it possible for us
to receive this food here today.

Help those in need.
Move us to share with others how much we are and have
and give us all hunger and thirst for You.  Amen.

Prayer after meal

We have satisfied ourselves, Lord,
with the goods that you have given us;
fill us also with your mercy.

You who live and reign forever and ever. Amen.


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