5 Short prayer to overcome fear and anxiety

Prayers for Special Request
Prayers for Special Request
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Fear paralyzes, stagnates, and disables. Discover Short prayer to overcome fear and anxiety in this article.

In a world that often seems dark or difficult, we may find ourselves facing great battles with fear and anxiety every day.

Even though we know God’s truth and believe in His word, there is this struggle that we can’t seem to break free of and sometimes we find ourselves caught up in the mess of it all.

However, reality tells us that much of what we spend our time worrying about doesn’t even happen. Being under the weight of “what ifs” is a difficult place to live.

God has words of life, of truth, that he wants to express directly to our fears and concerns. And as we choose to soak in them, meditate on them, and pray them back to Him, we will be transformed. We will be free from the burden of fear, the weight of worry, and the entanglement of anxiety.

This is the prayer to overcome fear and increase trust in God after encountering a crisis. Do not fear, with the prayer not to be afraid you can find a moment of peace for your life and gradually increase your trust in God, that trust that has been lost. Everything has a solution in this life and especially if you put everything in the hands of the One who can do everything. Increasing trust in God is possible if you give yourself into his healing hands.

What is fear?

Fear is an emotional response induced by some perceived threat that causes a change in the functioning of the brain and organs, as well as in the behavior itself.

Fear can lead us to hide, run away or freeze in our shoes. Fear can come from confrontation or avoiding a threat, or it can come in the form of a discovery that we don’t know how to deal with.

Are you currently fighting a great battle against fear, worries, or something related that is weakening your confidence?

Starting from the Words of Our Lord: “Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you” (Math 7,7), I have formulated a small prayer to overcome fear and increase the confidence that perhaps can help you change your fears, overcome all your fears and heal that area of ​​your life that does not allow you to move forward.

I invite you now to choose a quiet place, away from any kind of interruption. Take as much time as you need to say each of these words and if you can, repeat the prayer in your own words.

Prayer to overcome fear and increase confidence.

My Lord, You are always ready to forgive, because you are just and merciful, and I must always imitate you in my actions, for this, you ask me for a sincere conversion, a deep conversion in your love, which means leaving behind everything that binds me to sin and walk straight in your paths of justice. I can only put my trust in You since only You can help me get rid of earthly goods, which are temporary, they come and go, but You stay, you are eternal.

You want me happy Lord, my beloved, and although it seems that it is a great demand of yours, what you really want is for me to be free and ready for the purpose for which you have created me: Love with detachment. Give me the will to be able to dominate my passions and my superficial desires, so that nothing and no one, nor anything outside of You, manage to dominate and lock my heart in selfishness.

Lord, I want you to be my only God, the true God, not the deceitful and tempting god of money that has made a nest in many hearts today. You are the greatest thing in my life! I entrust my projects to you, mine, and all those I am going to meet on this path of life. Give me the will to fulfill your Word, I want to rule over everything that you have placed in the book of Proverbs:

“Lord, give me neither poverty nor wealth, give me the necessary ration, lest, feeling satisfied, I deny and say: “Who is the Lord?”, or that, being poor, I begin to steal and attack the name of my God” (Proverbs 30:8-9)

Lord, You have called me to live in joy, in happiness, even in the midst of trials, in the midst of so many difficulties, struggles and problems. Send me your Holy Spirit, so as not to let me be bitter, afflicted, or saddened by anything that may happen to me in this passing life. I trust that You are with me. I beg you to flood my life with your powerful Spirit, I want to feel your presence that strengthens the soul and prepares it for every challenge. I need you. I need to feel that strength that helps me overcome my weaknesses

You want to make me happy and I want it too. For this reason, I want to give you all the situations I am going through, those that create anguish and steal my peace. I want to give you those things that I feel attached to and distract me from loving and adoring you. I want to learn to enjoy everything you have offered me in this life, to live each moment with joy and intensity, without attachments. Help me change my tears into laughter, my bitterness and difficulties into joys and opportunities. I trust your faithful promise, I trust your Word that comforts me.

I also want you to tell me those words of hope that you spoke to Joshua: “Do not be afraid or discouraged, because I, your Lord and God, will be with you wherever you go.” (v1,9) Amen!


Prayer for unshakable confidence.

If you want to increase your trust in God, say this little prayer every day in the morning when you wake up.

Oh God, my rock, my strength, my hope, I put all my trust in you. You have never abandoned those who seek you in the midst of difficulty. You have never been bad for anyone. Your power is abundant and you always pour it out on those hearts that still feel your strength weakened. I know that You will never let me down because my life so far has been a testament to Your greatness. Shape me in Your image and keep me close to You. Show me how to stand firm against trials and increase my faith through them. Keep my trust in You Lord, so that I never waver, no matter the battles I face, or how big the problems are. I know I won’t be alone. My strength and my fidelity come to me from You. I trust in your grace. Amen.

Prayer to overcome fear.

God the Father, Lord of armies and of all the angelic court. You call me to be strong and brave, to set my feet on the firm rock that is You. You tell me to trust you when I’m scared.

Dear God, I turn to you, because definitely… I am afraid… very afraid… Adverse situations have come upon me and I feel that I have lost control. I don’t know where to start or even where to run. I am afraid of the things that are happening in my life. I am afraid for my future. I am afraid for my loved ones. Of the consequences of my bad decisions and the serious injuries I have caused to those I have hurt.

I feel desperate sir. I feel short of breath, I can’t breathe. I feel that the walls are coming down on me, closing in on me and enveloping me as if in darkness. I can feel this terrible enemy of fear closing in on me and covering me in his cloak of despair. I need your protection, Lord. Come into my life now, fill me with the anointing of the Holy Spirit. I need you now more than ever! My legs wobble. I’m like standing in a dark mud. Help me to put my hope in You, to trust, to give you my heart and this situation of anguish in which I find myself. Free me from this fear my God, give me a strong heart, a resistant heart, and full of faith. I put myself in your hands because you are my rock and my shield.

“Do not be afraid, because I am with you; do not be distressed, because I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will support you with my victorious hand” (Isaiah 41:10)

Encouraged by these words of trust, I thank you for being my God, that God of love in whom I can truly trust. I feel relief come over my life right now, I feel my burdens light. You come with your presence to pour out your peace on me. I praise you Lord, thank you for remaining faithful to me, and for not withdrawing your love from me for the many times I have failed you. I know that you are a faithful God and you will remove from my path all fear that does not allow me to grow and move towards you and towards the triumphs that you have promised me. I love you, Lord, I trust you, I trust your providence. Amen.

Prayer to ask for strength when you are afraid.

Lord God, mighty in strength and healing, you say that I must have faith in you when I am afraid, to sustain and guide me in those dark hours. Well, I do now, Mighty Lord. I put all my faith in You. You strengthen me in the midst of anguish and fear. Your mighty strength keeps my spirit alive and burning with passion for You. I know that with you I can overcome anything, even this fear that has wanted to bring uncertainty to my life. Thank you, Lord, for guiding me in my life and helping me to become a vessel for Your will. I pray that I continue to put my faith and trust in You. You know everything. You know how much this afflicted and fearful heart needs you, and I know that you will help me in those moments of fear and weakness that lie in wait for me. Amen


5 Short prayer to overcome fear and panic

What does it mean to fear God as a christian

What does it mean to fear God?

Prayer to increase trust in God.

Oh God of love, your strength is the engine that sets me in motion, the passion for which I fight day by day without respite to achieve happiness. My trust is placed in You. You strengthen me and help me overcome fear and all difficult circumstances. In order to increase my trust in God, I need to organize my life according to love. I ask you, my God, to help me always keep the light of my lamp on so that with it I can illuminate every path and not get lost in the darkness of the world. Come with your love and pass your healing hand over me. I put myself in your hands. I intend to increase confidence in your Fatherly protection under the powerful shadow of your Holy Spirit. Amen

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