12 Prayers to Christs Blood for Love, Children and Healing

Prayers to Christs Blood
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Here are Prayers to Christs Blood for Love, Children, Healing, and More

Jesus Christ gave his life on the Cross for love, he offered himself as a lamb to take away the sin of the world, his blood was shed on the cross and his death paid the price before God for the wickedness of man.

On the third day, He rose again and conquered death and disease, His blood is powerful and continues to flow after more than 2000 years for all who invoke it. If you recognize him as the Lord of your life and as your only savior, his precious Blood will cleanse you, save you and keep you from evil.

Prayer to Christ’s Blood for Children,

Jesus as the Son of God gave himself out of love, when he was on earth he spoke and taught about the will of the Father, that is why you can claim his blood over the lives of your children as a sealing for their lives.

Just by repeating this short prayer that is miraculous for the protection of your children, you will be placing their lives in the hands of God and he is faithful and just to protect them always.

“Precious Blood of Christ.
Today I invoke you on the lives of my children.
Cover their lives and cleanse them from all sin.
Oh Jesus, may your powerful blood keep us
As a hedge of protection around us.

Guard the entry and exit of my children
Touch their hearts and fill them with your love
Clean them from all evil and defend them at all times
Bless their studies, their plans, and their projects.

Make them grow up healthy and strong
Protect their lives from evil and their ways always be straight
May Jesus Christ be the Lord of their lives,
May they consecrate themselves to you the only true God
And may they serve you with love
May they be a reflection of your mercy and living testimony of your existence. “

Prayer to Christ’s Blood for Love

If you have had disappointments in love, and you have made a mistake when choosing the person with whom you want to be, and that has caused you pain and frustration, you can cry out the blood of Christ on your heart so that God may take control of your life.

God has the correct design for your life and the person who will accompany you the rest of your life, invoking the blood of Christ in your heart, will guide you to the correct person.

“The Blood of Christ has power.
I invoke It over my heart
Over my life to heal all wounds from the past,
To restore my areas that have been damaged.

Heal my pain and my affliction
And take away from me what does not come from you.

Guide me to find the right person,
Choose her for me,
Help me find true love
Someone who respects me loves me, and values ​​me,
That I can be the ideal help for him
That I can help him achieve his dreams and mine,
May we walk together in the eternal purpose of your word
May we love each other, as Christ loves the church
May it be for him like the rib that God took out of Adam. “

Prayer to Christ Blood for difficult cases

In times of difficulty, there is nothing more powerful than the Blood of Christ to solve situations that are out of your hands.

The miraculous blood of Christ is effective in guiding you to make the right decision so that you can count on God’s full blessing in your life.


“Mighty Blood of Christ
I cry out for your protection and blessing.
Look at the difficult situation I’m going through,
I can’t find a way out or an effective solution.

Guide me to all truth
Open my eyes and enlighten the path
See my heart cleanse and purify it,
Help me to get out of this difficult situation.

You are almighty
And nothing is impossible for you
Guide me with your precious light,
Oh the blood of Christ guide my heart
Light the way and restore my steps
Take me to you, correct my course,
And may I do your holy will. “


Prayer of Christ blood for the family

If you want your family to be protected and blessed by God at all times, the following Catholic prayer will help you to make the blood of Christ-like a protective fence around it.

You just have to raise a cry of adoration to God and his son Jesus Christ, since his powerful bloodshed on the cross will keep you and your whole family.


“Mighty Jesus my Savior King
I claim your mighty blood on my family,
Look at my house and the need that afflicts us
Send all your power over us and make a
the fence around us, Defend us from the attacks of evil Free
our lives from all division, lawsuits, and contention.

May your love unite us more each day
May the ties be strengthened in you.

Defend my house,
Send your supply of food each day
Provide us with clothes and shoes
And bless the work of my hands.

May I meet every need at all times,
Guard my children when they leave and when they enter
Send your angels to keep us on the road
And that we return every day in blessing to our home. “


Christ’s blood sealing prayer

The blood of Christ is the seal of God on his children, Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, and no one has access to the Father but only through him.

That is why the Blood of Christ is the original seal that allows you free entry to the throne of grace and the presence of God. Recite this prayer for you to claim the seal of God on your life.


“Today I cry out the blood of Christ on my life
On my house, on my family
I open the door of my heart to Jesus,
So that he enters my life
And his blood seals every area in me.

Come into my life and cover me with your mighty precious blood. Jesus
Cleanse my heart from all sin.

I accept you as the Lord and the savior of my life.
I receive you in my heart and in my house.
May your powerful angel defend me.
May your light illuminate my path and my steps.
May your power destroy all evil that comes against me.

Thank you for your love and your infinite mercy
That you free me from evil and bless my life,
Mighty God and dear Lord I thank you. “

Prayer of Christ blood for Protection and healing

When Jesus gave his life on the cross, he carried the weight of the sin of humanity, and all sickness was loaded on him, it is necessary to cry out the blood of Christ to receive healing.

Recite this prayer for the protection and healing that flows from the blood of Jesus and you will see how effective it is for your life.

“Oh precious blood of Christ
That was shed on the cross,
For cleansing of sin and healing of the body.

Today I claim your power over my life and my house
Protect me and free me from all evil and all attacks on my health
Heal my most hidden areas,
Take out the shame in my life,
Cleanse my heart and enter it.
Heal my body and do not allow the disease to invade me,
Your powerful blood liberates me from all ailments
May my whole being be clean in you,
Look at my organs, my respiratory, nervous systems, my hormonal system.

Heal every area in me,
And rid my body of all sudden illness
Take absolute control of my health. “

Prayer of Christ blood for the house

For the protection of your house, you must cry out the Blood of Christ on it, take a little oil in your hands and pray as a symbol of the blood of Christ.

Touch door and window lintels as you pray that your house is covered and protected from all evil.

“Mighty blood of Christ
Today I cry out your power over my house,
Make a hedge of protection around it
And send warrior angels around us
Cast out what is not yours
All bad influence and what is causing heaviness.

Clean the doors and windows
Clean the floor and ceiling
And every corner of every room,
Stroll through my whole house
The doors are open for you.

Cleanse the hidden and the shameful
Bring to light what I have not been able to see until now
May my house be covered by your light
May all my family find refuge and rest. “


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Christ blood Prayer for every day

The blood of Christ is powerful for protection every day, each day represents a new challenge that we face when we leave home.

So that your coming and going home is a blessing and you can be confident in God’s protection over your life, recite the following prayer in the name of Jesus.

“Oh beloved Jesus mighty Lord
Today I cry out your blood over my life,
The blood of Christ has power
Power to free me from all evil
Power to keep me under the mighty hand of God.

The blood of Christ covers me and guides my steps.
The blood of Christ that was shed on the cross cleanses me from all sin.
It makes me acceptable to God.

Oh precious Christ
Your wounds heal my pain
My heart is clean through your sacrifice on the cross.

You are the Lord and savior of my life.
You keep me from evil and save me from darkness.
Guard my house and my family.
Bless my job and the supply multiplies. “


Christ blood Prayer  for marriage

For your marriage to be completely happy and you can fulfill your vows before God, there is nothing more powerful than covering it with the Blood of Christ.

The blood of Christ will act as a hedge of protection over your marriage so that no evil can ever touch them.

“O almighty God I
cry out the Blood of Christ on this day
Upon my marriage.

I place the sacred union with my husband before you,
Help us to love each other more every day
And may the bonds of our union be strengthened.

Guide us at all times to walk in absolute agreement
And that we go hand in hand with you.
The Blood of Christ covers our hearts so that evil does not touch us.

Take care of our daily confession
May there always be a word of blessing in our mouths
May we be an example for our children,
May they see in us the home of blessing that comes from God
May your blessing always be upon us.

Send us the provision of heaven and may we never lack anything.
Thank you, God for your mighty Blood. “

Prayer of Christ blood for business

If you are about to start a business or, on the contrary, you have noticed that things are not going the same way as before, I invite you to try the powerful prayer to the Blood of Christ.

You will see that everything begins to change and become favorable in the field of your business, by crying out the blood of Christ on your business, God is going to bless you greatly.

“Oh most holy Christ
King, sovereign God, and Lord,
I cry out your mighty blood over my businesses,
Look at every investment I have made in it.
Bless my finances and multiply the income.
May your grace abound and may I see favorable results.

Then I will always be grateful to you.
May the Blood of Christ cover the place.
May your angels come and walk.
May the finances multiply to be able to be a blessing to my house.

Give me the strategies to expand my business
Give me the ideas I need,
Enlighten me the way I must walk
Guide my steps towards success
May I be greatly blessed by you so that I can
also, bless others. “

Blood of Christ Prayer to break ties

If you feel the need to be free in some area of ​​your life in which you are aware that something is not right, the Blood of Christ is effective to free you from those ties.

Recite with great faith this prayer that is miraculous to release ties that have been in your life for a long time and have not allowed you to move forward.

“Oh most high mighty God
I come to you on this special day
To pray that the Blood of Christ that is powerful to free
Release my life and my house.

Break all ties that darkness has placed on me,
Free my soul from evil.

Deliver me from the darkness that has blinded me
Cleanse my heart of all evil
Help me to get out of the deep well in which I find myself,
Give me a prompt exit from my situation.

Break every chain and yoke of bondage
Free me and break every bondage of ungodliness.

Take away what is not yours
What you do not like and what is not to your liking
Clean my paths and my steps,
Guide me on the path of righteousness.”

Blood of Christ Prayer to ask for a miracle

When you have tried everything and you have not managed to get out of your situation when you can do nothing more and anything you can try escapes your hands, that is when you need God to intervene and grant you a miracle.

The blood of Christ is miraculous and will help you achieve what until now has been impossible for you.

“Mighty Blood of Christ
I cry out all your power over my life.
I come before you to implore your favor.
Grant me this miracle that I need today.

Oh almighty God
There is nothing impossible for you,
When my strength is exhausted and I can no longer be it
You are the one who comes to my aid.

Grant me this miracle and I will make a pact with you.
I will serve you as long as I live.
You know all things and there is nothing hidden from you.
Help me in this moment of difficult despair.

I need you, I need your power acting on my behalf.
The Blood of Christ has power.
There is nothing that can resist its great power.
May your miraculous hands touch my life. “

Although thousands of years have passed since the blood of Christ was shed on the cross of Calvary, today he still has great spiritual power on this earth, therefore, any request you make in his name will be very powerful. and a great blessing for your life.


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