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What does it mean to be baptized with the Holy Spirit and fire as a believer? Discover the answer here.

Spirit is grace, fire is truth, and the two are inseparable. What does this mean for us?

John said, “I baptize you with water, to bring you to repentance; but he who comes after me is mightier than me, and I am not worthy to wear his shoes. He will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire.  (Matthew 3, 11).

Spirit and fire are inseparable

You can’t separate the Holy Spirit and the fire. One cannot exist if the other is excluded. The Holy Spirit brings peace and joy; the fire consumes one’s own life and causes pain. 

In the same way, that fire dwells in the Spirit, the Spirit also dwells in fire, for God is Spirit, but he is also a consuming fire. (Hebrews 12:29)

The fire is felt immediately after a person has been baptized with the Holy Spirit. If we have known him and the power of his resurrection, then fellowship with Christ in his sufferings will follow directly. 

God’s will for us is sanctification, but whoever wants to do the will of God will quickly feel pain as he becomes a participant in the sufferings of Christ. God does not take pleasure in any person who withdraws, who spares himself. 

The image of Christ is manifested in us as we obey the Spirit. Christ offered himself for us in the power of an everlasting Spirit, and God brought back from the dead this great shepherd of the sheep, our Lord Jesus, by the blood of an everlasting covenant. (Hebrews 13:20)

The enemies of the cross of Christ try to hold back the power of the resurrection while at the same time rejecting the fellowship of the sufferings of Christ. This is precisely where men go astray. The Holy Spirit and fire, power and pain; the two are inseparable.
God never allows them to be separated. Only ignorance and the desire to console the flesh can lead a person to want to separate them. It is always evident that such people are going astray.


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The Holy Spirit and the Fire: Grace and Truth

To show the difference between the Holy Spirit and fire, we can say that the Spirit is grace, and that fire is truth. Grace covers us and keeps us until the fire has completed its work.
Justice only becomes manifest when the fire has raged; the new earth will appear where righteousness dwells. The purpose of grace is not to cover or hide, but to preserve for the fire.
The wrath of God is not satisfied by grace; his fiery anger requires the fire to do its work. A criminal can be forgiven, but by bearing his punishment he has paid for his crime, and he is righteous in this matter, according to the law of the land.

It is the same in the spiritual realm. God expects us to make spiritual sacrifices in Jesus Christ. We can try to avoid making these sacrifices by saying that Christ is the sacrifice for us. This is true, of course, but it is not the truth that leads to sanctification. Sanctification requires our agreement and obedience to the will of God.

 If we suffer with him, then we will also be glorified with him. If we don’t suffer with him, then we won’t be glorified with him. The cross is a weapon in our hands.
She makes sure that her own life and carnal lusts do not take control. Satan is only prosperous if you “spare yourself”. The world feeds the flesh in all possible ways.


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How to be pleasing to God

The cross drives Satan away. Jesus conquered on the cross, and this is also where we can conquer with him. There is power in the word of the cross; it brings together and unites. 

The assembly is united when the word of the cross is effective, but when men surrender to sweet feelings, wicked spirits prosper.

For this is the time when judgment is going to begin with the house of God – with us. (1 Peter 4:17) God came out of his sanctuary for judgment, and he will begin with the saints – with us. 

Judgment took place in Christ, and it is now taking place in those who have been baptized with the Spirit of Christ.
In this way, the truth and the life are revealed. All of God’s fiery demands on mankind have been met in the Spirit of Christ. Therefore, if anyone wishes to be pleasing to God, he must have this Spirit.


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