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5 Benefits of Christ’s death in the life and ministry of the Christian

As a believer, it is important to come back to a fundamental teaching of the Christian faith: the benefits of christ’s death in the life and ministry of the Christian. Although they have become Christians, many ignore the benefits of the death of Jesus Christ in their lives. In this article, christwin want to remind you of 5 benefits: 

5 Benefits of Christ’s death in the life and ministry of the Christian


Check out the 5 benefits of Christ’s death in the Christian’s life compiled below.

1. The death of Christ gives us free access to the Most Holy place.

In the Old Testament, it was customary for the high priest to enter the Most Holy Place once a year to offer the burnt offerings for atonement for the sins of the people. Jesus Christ, the greatest high priest by His death turned the order of things upside down. It has entered once and for all so that in our turn we can access it freely:

And He entered the most holy place once and for all, not with the blood of goats and calves, but with His own blood, having obtained eternal redemption. (Hebrews 9V12)

Today know that you are your own priest and you can confidently approach the throne of grace to be helped in your needs (Hebrews 4:6).



2. The death of Christ gives us victory over sin.

The first victory we have gained through the death of Christ is that over sin. In Romans 6V6 Paul declares that our old man i.e. the flesh was crucified with Christ:

Knowing that our old man was crucified with Him so that the body of sin was destroyed so that we would no longer be slaves to sin.

We are no longer slaves to sin, which concretely means that sin no longer has the power to dominate our life.  If you are still under the yoke of certain addictions (drugs, sex, alcohol, etc.) know that Jesus died to free you. You must grab your victory.


3. The death of Christ brings us healing.

Jesus’ death grants us healing from all our illnesses. As it is written in the book of Isaiah 53V6:

But He was wounded for our sins, broken for our iniquities; the punishment that gives us peace has fallen on Him, And with His stripes, we are healed.

Regardless of your illness, know that God through the death of His Son Jesus has already made provision for your healing. We encourage you to fully believe this promise.


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4. The death of Christ frees us from all condemnation.

By His death, Jesus wants to grant us freedom in all forms of evil oppression:

He erased the act of which the ordinances condemned us and which remained against us and He destroyed it by nailing it to the cross. He stripped the dominations and the authorities and gave them a public spectacle by triumphing over them by the cross. (Colossians 2V14-15)

Whatever evil attacks or covenants have been made on your life, Christ’s death has made them void.   You can rely on this promise, the enemy can do nothing against you. He has been stripped of his power.


5. The death of Christ entitles us to an abundant life.

We were created to lead a life where we reflect the character of Christ, a life where the impossible becomes possible. Sin had ended that goal. It took Christ’s death for the divine order to be restored. Today nothing can stop you, Christ has accomplished everything by His death. You just have to enjoy this supernatural life of yours!


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